Overall Reporting Status 190 indicators
139Reported online73.2%
0Statistics in progress0%
51Exploring data sources26.8%
Status by Goal
No Poverty 13 indicators
11Reported online84.6%
0Statistics in progress0%
2Exploring data sources15.4%
Zero Hunger 17 indicators
9Reported online52.9%
0Statistics in progress0%
8Exploring data sources47.1%
Good Health and Well-being 27 indicators
23Reported online85.2%
0Statistics in progress0%
4Exploring data sources14.8%
Quality Education 10 indicators
6Reported online60%
0Statistics in progress0%
4Exploring data sources40%
Gender Equality 13 indicators
10Reported online76.9%
0Statistics in progress0%
3Exploring data sources23.1%
Clean water and sanitation 9 indicators
7Reported online77.8%
0Statistics in progress0%
2Exploring data sources22.2%
Affordable and clean energy 5 indicators
5Reported online100%
0Statistics in progress0%
0Exploring data sources0%
Decent jobs and economic growth 15 indicators
12Reported online80%
0Statistics in progress0%
3Exploring data sources20%
Industry, innovation and infrastructure 10 indicators
10Reported online100%
0Statistics in progress0%
0Exploring data sources0%
Reduced inequalities 6 indicators
6Reported online100%
0Statistics in progress0%
0Exploring data sources0%
Sustainable Cities & Communities 9 indicators
7Reported online77.8%
0Statistics in progress0%
2Exploring data sources22.2%
Responsible consumption and production 10 indicators
5Reported online50%
0Statistics in progress0%
5Exploring data sources50%
Climate action 2 indicators
1Reported online50%
0Statistics in progress0%
1Exploring data sources50%
Life below water 0 indicators
0Reported online0%
0Statistics in progress0%
0Exploring data sources0%
Peace and justice - strong institutions 19 indicators
7Reported online36.8%
0Statistics in progress0%
12Exploring data sources63.2%
Partnerships for the goals 15 indicators
11Reported online73.3%
0Statistics in progress0%
4Exploring data sources26.7%