Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
September 25, 2015

70/1. Transforming Our World: An Agenda in the Field
sustainable development until 2030

The General Assembly adopts the following outcome document of the United Nations Summit on the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda:

Transforming Our World: An Agenda in the Field
sustainable development until 2030

This Agenda is an action plan for people, the planet and prosperity. It is also aimed at strengthening universal peace in conditions of greater freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and manifestations, including extreme poverty, is an essential global challenge and one of the prerequisites for sustainable development.

This plan will be implemented by all countries and all interested parties acting in a joint partnership. We are determined to rid humanity of the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and protect our planet. We are determined to take the bold reform steps that are urgently needed to bring the world onto the path of sustainable and resilient development. Going on this joint path, we promise that no one will be forgotten.

Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets that we are announcing today testify to the magnitude and ambitiousness of this new global agenda. They provide for the continuation of the work begun during the period of the Millennium Development Goals and the final achievement of those goals that were not achieved. They include the realization of human rights for all and the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are comprehensive and indivisible in nature and ensure the balance of all three components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.